Valentine’s Day Printable Resource Pack

February 6, 2019
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Calling all lovebirds – it’s almost time for Valentine’s Day! For many families, this is one of the best holidays of the year (next to Christmas). And, kids get tons of candy, so they’re happy! Also, Valentine’s Day poses many opportunities for you crafty homeschooling parents to express yourself. Whether it’s a Valentine’s day printable, cute Valentine’s Day crafts, Valentine’s for your kids to exchange, or happy mail for friends, you’re probably in heaven! What else can you do to make Valentine’s Day special?

  • Have Valentine’s-themed meals – How about “pink pancakes” for breakfast? You could have a “red snack day” for lunch and make it consist only of red foods. The ideas are endless!
  • Make and distribute love notes – The easiest way to do this is to use our free Valentine’s Day printable cards. Or, you can cut heart shapes from pink, purple, red, and white construction paper and write something sweet on each one. You can pass them out or post them where your loved ones will easily find them, such as on the refrigerator, bathroom sink, or steering wheel.
  • Decorate – We usually think about decorating for fall, Christmas, and maybe Easter. But, there’s no reason you can’t also decorate for Valentine’s! Supplies for this are often found at the Dollar Tree or Target’s “dot spot.” And, cut out construction paper hearts are oh so sweet!
  • Create homemade gift certificates – These don’t have to cost as much as real gift certificates. You can make these redeemable for things you know your loved ones will love, such as a foot massage, day out alone, or skipping chores for the evening.
  • LOVE each other – Most importantly, remember to show love to each other. You could go above and beyond and try to do something special for one (or each one) that you don’t normally get to do because of time constraints or another reason.

Need printable valentines for your kids? Click the images for our FREE printable valentines! 

Printable Valentines
Printable Valentine’s Day cards for GIRLS!


Printable Valentines
Printable Valentine’s Day cards for BOYS!