Tips for Summer Homeschooling

April 19, 2021
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Guest Author

Guest post by Kimberly Smith.

Every summer, I am faced with this dilemma. Often throughout the years, I have had great intentions of keeping my children’s skills moving forward, but after only a few days, it all falls apart. Now, after years of trying and failing to do school in the summer, here is what I have learned.

How to Add Easy Learning to Your Summer

  • Kids really don’t forget everything they learn. Yes, they may need a review the first week
    or two of school, but who wouldn’t?
  • Kids are still learning every day, just in a different way. Summer is a time for more hands-on learning. They are involved in nature walks, swimming, cooking, stargazing, camps, and are constantly asking questions about why and how to do things. Their learning is endless!
  • Make reading a priority. Sometimes, it may only be 15 minutes a day. You may read to them
    or have them read to themselves. This time helps your kids slow down and relax. Also, I always like to do the local library summer reading program.
  • Whenever possible, use teachable moments. By doing this, you can incorporate
    learning everywhere. You can use math and science to plant a garden or learn about tides and structures as you build a sandcastle. The whole world is a classroom, so make sure you use it!
  • Take lots of field trips. Get out and explore your state and country.
  • Enjoy the free time with your kids. Let trivial things go, and just have fun with them. The school year will begin again soon enough.
  • Maximize rainy days. This is a great time to pull out worksheets, educational games, and
    do extra reading or crafts. This way, you can still feel like you accomplished some school
    and reviewed emerging skills.


Ultimately, every child and family is different. You have to figure out what works best for you. For some examples, my daughter loved school. She didn’t want to stop simply because it was summer, so I kept her supplied with various workbooks that she could work on at her own pace. I did this for years, and she loved it. My child with learning disabilities needed a true break when summer began, so we did just that. He did no school. My current child loves his summer break. He usually just keeps up with his reading, however this summer, he will continue with his Russian lessons, as I don’t want him to relapse on his progress. Thankfully, he loves his Russian lessons, so he is excited to continue them. Getting him to do 15 minutes of reading will be the hard part!

Experiment and figure out what is the best fit for each child and for you. Summers get busy, and that is okay! Whatever is going on, your kids are learning, just not in the traditional “school” way. Have a great summer vacation!


Kim Smith contributor

More about the Author:

Kimberly Smith is a religious homeschool mom of 4 children with three of those in college! Kim and her family enjoy fostering children, were thrilled to adopt their seven-year-old through fostering, and are now homeschooling again! Kim has had over 17 years of homeschool experience including the privilege to homeschool a child with serious learning disabilities as well as a gifted child. Kim and her husband of 26 years have gone through many ups and downs with their children as well as in life. Job losses, frequent moves, and the challenge of loving a child through rebellion have been a part of their growth and give Kimberly the insight to touch others.