Homeschool History

NOVEMBER 19, 2018

Abraham Lincoln Resource Collection

Just who was Abraham Lincoln, anyway? You probably already knew he was the 16th president but did you know he was also a statesman and lawyer? As president, he also led the country through the…

AUGUST 2, 2018

Homeschool for Free: History/Social Studies

Are you ready to teach your child history or social studies this year? Worried about what to cover, how to know when to do it, or how to make it fun? There is so much more than just memorizing…

APRIL 15, 2018

San Jacinto Day: A Battle For Independence

Independence isn’t something we should take for granted. After all, independence and individual freedoms lie at the heart of our ability to homeschool. But sometimes, independence comes as…

MARCH 29, 2018

Spotlight On: Homeschool History

As homeschooling parents, we have the privilege of immersing our children in subjects that interest them and subjects that, perhaps, do not. Generally, if you ask children what subjects they…

FEBRUARY 26, 2018

How Women Changed History

For decades, women have made great accomplishments in history but it wasn’t always this way. Even further back in history, women were forbidden to vote or even obtain an education! Although…

AUGUST 8, 2016

Tips for Teaching Your Struggling Student

  Do you have a child like this? He (or she) sits down with a page of problems or questions in front of him. Two hours later he has done only three of them (and two of them are wrong!)…

NOVEMBER 12, 2015

History Lesson – The Feathers that Saved Europe

  A Homeschool Lesson - The Feathers that Saved Europe   Maps change. We all know that. The United States’s map once showed only thirteen states, for example. Germany was,…

APRIL 2, 2013

Homeschooling, Super Easy Backyard Archaeology

In college, I minored in Anthropology which included Archaeology.  It didn't exactly have anything to do with my education major but it is an incredibly interesting field of study!  Recently,…