Guest post by Heidi Rosenberg Medicine is one of the most coveted courses, especially for high school students. Right from childhood, when children visit a doctor's office or any other medical…

JANUARY 18, 2021

Encouraging BOLDness

According to the U.S. Department of Education, over 1.5 million students were homeschooled in 2007. I was one of those numbers for my elementary education. During my homeschooled years, I did…

Basic high school education is important. Classes like math and English, science, and nutrition all help to create well-rounded students. They can also pave the way for successful higher education…

We love our children. Yet, the goal for our teens is to become self-sustaining adults, who move out  of our house, and exude confidence and success without us. Right? With the academic curriculum …

Children’s early experiences can help to shape the caliber of adults they become. It is partly this knowledge that can lead parents to opt for a homeschooling approach to their kids’ education.…

It’s obvious that girls today need positive role models. There are many strong women in the spotlight – especially in Hollywood. However, those aren’t necessarily the women we want…

We’ve all heard – “That’s not ladylike!” or “Little girls shouldn’t behave like that.” Teaching girls to be strong yet embrace their femininity is not easy! There’s no doubt…

  We have seen enormous advances in technology, industry, and science during the last century, and that pace of change is not expected to slow down anytime soon. The latest report from…

Did you know that: American Association of Colleges and Universities found that employers considered fewer than 30 percent of recent graduates ready for work? Over the next 13 years…