Search Results for: FAQ

FAQ: Homeschooling Preschool interviewed Linda Dobson. Here are some frequently asked questions about homeschooling preschool and loving every minute of it! Q: At what age should I start homeschooling preschool? A: Did you help your child play pat-a-cake, sing the ABC song, tie a shoe? Remember guiding your child until her inner drive sent her walking, talking, […]

FAQ: Foreign Language Homeschooling

We interviewed entrepreneur and foreign language expert Dr. Blair to share insights on frequently asked questions about homeschooling foreign languages.

FAQ: Homeschool Reading

Experiencing reading frustration in your homeschool? Read on to find answers to frequently asked questions with a homeschool expert.

FAQ: Christian Homeschooling

If you are wondering about how Christian homeschooling works in a practical day to day manner, read this FAQ article with Ellen Gardner.

FAQ: Special Needs

Get answers to your frequently asked questions about homeschooling with special needs. We interviewed homeschool expert Jean Lanman for answers, read more!

FAQ: Top 10 Homeschool Questions

We regularly survey the homeschool community and have asked what the top questions were. Each question was answered by one of our experienced homeschool parents. Find answers to your homeschool questions today!

Episode 26: FAQ on Homeschooling High School

TUNE IN: APPLE PODCASTS | GOOGLE PLAY | STITCHER   Join us today for Episode 26 of the Homeschooling & Loving It show – FAQ on Homeschooling High School! Worried about homeschooling high school? Join me and my special guest today as we answer the most commonly asked questions about homeschooling high school!  Joy is […]

FAQ: High School Homeschooling

Does homeschooling high school scare you? Don't let it - find resources, tools, and help for homeschooling your teen here!

Homeschooling: Getting Started Guide

Wondering how to homeschool? Find homeschool help, homeschool advice, and how to get started homeschooling your child from experienced homeschoolers!

Homeschool Advice and Tips for Beginners

Taking control of your child's education can seem overwhelming. Homeschooling doesn't have to be difficult, our tips for beginner homeschoolers are sure to help you find success!