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Homeschooling Articles
Back to Homeschool Curriculum Awards
Discover the best homeschool curriculum voted #1 in our community for 2024! Useful for planning and finding great deals on new curricula! Discover new homeschooling curriculum Explore…
4 Steps for Homeschooling Organization
"This place is a wreck!" Have you heard yourself saying something similar lately? Did it make you feel like you couldn't possibly homeschool until the house was spotless? Many parents feel…
Homeschool Advice and Tips for Beginners
Are you looking for homeschool advice and tips to get started? Discover How to Start homeschooling today! Find quick answers to your beginning to homeschool questions and more! …
Prevent Summer Learning Slide Free Course
Are you wondering how to avoid summer learning slide or even what it means? Is it inevitable? What can you do about it? We answer all these questions and more. Grab our New Homeschool…
Homeschooling and Socialization
Any time homeschooling is brought up, there’s always one question in particular that always creeps its way into the conversation. “What about socialization?” For those who aren’t familiar…
Homeschool Summer Resources
Learning resources for summer homeschool programs are everywhere, and it's easy to get overwhelmed. Don't get bogged down in all the options. The best advice we can share: keep homeschool…