Elementary Homeschool

Is there a subject or topic your children are interested in and you would like to include in your homeschool plans? In fact, an easy way to do that is with a unit study. While there are many…

P-H-E-N-O-M-E-N-O-N Pronunciation: fĭ-nŏm'ә- nŏn' Definition: An unusual, significant, or unaccountable fact or occurrence; a marvel. Origin: Late Latin phaenomenon, from Greek phainomenon Sentence: …

Motivation is a tricky thing... sometimes it's our best friend right there with us keeping us going, and at other times it's so elusive we wonder if we've ever known motivation at all! The…

Burnout is undeniably a growing concern among homeschool parents. The unrelenting prolonged stress of managing so many responsibilities can begin to negatively affect lives. One thing that…

Faith-Based Resource If you're looking for ways to get your students writing a bit more during this year, consider journaling! Our journal download can be used for a faith-based exercise each…

If you're looking for a quick and easy way to tame the paper tiger of record-keeping in your homeschool look no further! Digital Homeschool Organization is here. Indeed, our new digital homeschool…

It's never too early to start reading to your child. Some people start reading to their babies before they are born. In fact, at first, babies find the sound of your voice soothing. As they…

Not sure how to get started? Read our FAQ from real parents just like you! Q: Is Homeschooling Legal? Homeschooling is legal in all fifty states and throughout Canada. Homeschooling is also…

Most kids look forward to some version of camping during the summer. Some enjoy subject-related camps, church youth camps, family camping adventures. While others enjoy virtual learning summer…

The end of this school year is fast approaching and there are always loose ends that need to be tucked away! Don’t worry! We’ve got you covered!  In fact, we are here to help you wrap things…