Getting Started Homeschooling

 4 Ways to Motivate Kids During the Holidays Are your kids ready to quit? The anticipation of the holidays really brings it out of most children. It's not that they don't want to…

 How to Manage Time Efficiently Time management is something every homeschooler would like to have under control. It's even more important during the holidays when break after break…

NOVEMBER 1, 2017

Time For Reflection

  Rebecca Recommends... "Time for reflection" by's Rebecca Kochenderfer Now that all three of my children are grown, it's time for me to reflect upon…

  There’s no doubt about it – living on just one income is hard these days. Very hard. The same income that once more than covered household expenditures now often requires additional…

  Many of us come to homeschooling with idealized visions of what each day will look like. The children will rise out of bed with smiles on their faces, eat a delicious breakfast…

Homeschool Organization: Summer Learning with Large Families The expression "the more the merrier" rings especially true in the case of summer learning. If you have a large family,…

Self-doubt can rise during any part of your homeschooling journey. Sometimes the reasons for this are obvious. Perhaps your child is struggling with a specific subject area or a family member…

Twenty-two years ago I was working at a job that I didn’t like and that wasn’t a good fit for me. I had to work; my family needed the money, but I felt trapped. When I found out I was…

JANUARY 27, 2017

Newsletter: 5

  In 2014, I wrote my book, Joyful Homeschooling: They Key to Successful Homeschooling. What excited me most about that.....   …

If you're like many new homeschooling parents, you've been sending your kiddos off to school on the big yellow bus for several years now. It's what's familiar and is what you're used to doing.…