Special Needs

Do you have a child recently diagnosed with dyslexia? Take Heart! Here are 5 Facts you need to know! There is No Single Type of Dyslexia Dyslexia covers a wide range of difficulties.…

As the parent of a child with special needs, we know you're always on the lookout for helpful information and resources. Homeschooling can seem daunting as you wonder if you can best provide…

Chances are high that you either parent a child with or know someone whose life has been touched by autism. Whether you are a parent seeking answers or you are a loved one seeking…

FEBRUARY 15, 2022

FAQ: Special Needs

Jean Munroe Lanman has over thirty years of experience with "special needs students". She holds several teaching credentials and is a Learning Disability Specialist. Jean has an extensive background…

Homeschooling a child with special needs takes a great deal of patience and determination. But most of all - love. Parents of children with special needs are needed constantly, and even in the…

Autism Awareness Month As is the case with any child, a decision to homeschool is a big deal. Not surprisingly, homeschooling requires preparation and planning before you start in order…

Homeschooling is an exciting journey, a lifestyle change, and a different road entirely for any family.  The decision to take your child’s education into your own hands is intimidating, enlightening,…

If you are homeschooling a special needs child, you may feel like you are in a league of your own.  After all, it’s possible that many of the fun homeschooling ideas and curriculum circling…

What’s Out There for Children that Have Special Needs? Homeschool curriculum has come a long way since the first few bold families decided to teach their children at home. Back then they were…

In honor of World Down Syndrome Day A Poem for Joshua by Kelly Stone   The task had been quite difficult, But now my job was done. Fatigued beyond description, I watched…