How to Teach Homeschool Writing Without a Curriculum

May 13, 2019
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Guest Author

Guest post by Sandra Larson

In elementary school, it is important to encourage children to write short stories. The stories often do not have a plot, well-developed characters, or conflict. Many times, because of time, we push creative writing low on the list of things to accomplish. Consequently, there are students in middle and high school who do not know how to write a coherent paragraph or even a complete sentence. Most often these students were taught solid writing skills when they were young but weren’t given the opportunities to put those skills into practice. This is vital to equipping a good writer – – practice, and more practice!


One of the reasons why students struggle to write is because they have not been exposed to great writing. Let them read great books and learn several styles of writing from them. As you expose your children to great books, encourage them to pen. Let it be as free as possible. Allow them to leave books at their favorite spot in the house where they can storm in and start creating what they want.

Read aloud and discuss

Choose great books from different genres and encourage your kids to read aloud. Choose interesting books that children will love to read. Audiobooks also come in handy. Let the children listen to great texts, learn the sentence patterns and syntax.

After reading out loud, engage the kids in meaningful conversations. After all, writing is a conversation on paper. Through talking, they will learn to think and ask questions. The youngsters will also learn how to defend their opinions.

Boycott grammar lessons

Instead of grammar tests, include homeschool copywork in your homeschool writing curriculum. Copying great literature or motivational quotes is an excellent way to train a future writer. After they have perfected the skill, give them daily paragraph editing exercises. Once in a while, you can use a newspaper to extract a paragraph for them to edit.

Expose children to different styles, techniques, and authors

Every author has unique techniques and methods of writing. You can check it at an assignment writing service and see that there are no similar essays; every essay should be unique. It’s important to learn how to write creatively from a child. In fact, kids learn through imitation. Early instruction will help them to identify the various types of writing and use them for their assignments.

Encourage them to keep a diary

A journal will help your kids pen daily. With time they will learn how to narrate stories and express their emotions. They will also perfect their composing skills.

Get to the root of the problem

Some kids do not like this activity. Get around their reasons for hating the subject and help them work on their fears. Use keyboards and scrabble instead of papers for children with dysgraphia. Also, you may train them with exciting materials.


When you ditch the composing curriculum, you get an opportunity to create a generation of critical thinkers and engaged writers. When you have to use a curriculum to teach creative writing you lose freedom – freedom to truly be creative – to write what pleases your student and what truly motivates them!

The modern curriculum has taken away the creative spark from children, and it’s time to get it back. Also, they cost a fortune. Instead of wasting money on a book that does not yield impressive results, utilize this free homeschool writing curriculum. In addition, they will gain skills to help them work on their assignments, cover letters, and resume.

About the author: Sandra Larson

Sandra Larson is a mother of one nice kid. She believes in the necessity to inspire children and cultivate their creativity that’s why she decided to write this article. Sandra’s hobbies beyond writing include street photography and fashion.