Bible Heroes vs Superheroes

March 31, 2021
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Guest Author

Contributed by Heroes II, a faith-based resource.

We all can agree. Parenting is not a walk in the park.

The truth is, it is the only job in the world that is on 24/7. There are no retirement nor vacation leaves.

Now, double the load if you are homeschooling your children.

As a parent, you’d probably wish to have some sort of superpowers. What do you think about teleportation? Telepathy? Invisibility? Or even just getting things done in an instant?

In fact, superheroes are popular with kids and parents alike.

But do you know that there is a Bible app that introduces the Bible’s heroes as equally or even more incredible than Batman, Spiderman, or Superman?

For homeschooling parents, this is an excellent resource to introduce values to your child! Cool, right?

If you want to know more, jump into this article and let me discuss with you six reasons why Bible characters are way better than superheroes!

Bible Heroes Were Real People

  • They walked, talked, breathed in the same sky as we did.

Fun Bible Trivia: The Bible was written by real people who walked, talked, and breathed in the same sky as we did. The truth is, approximately 40 men of diverse backgrounds have authored the Bible for over 15 centuries. Yet, they do not contradict each other.

The writings of these authors are products of either their personal experiences or divine visions. Thus, characters in the Biblical narratives were not just any intergalactic beings or the outcome of a scientific experiment. Now, beat that!

  • We share the same joys, woes, triumphs, and struggles.

Bible characters are people with whom we share the same joys, woes, triumphs, and struggles. For this reason,

We can relate to the favoritism conflict in the household of Jacob.
We also understand David’s fear when he was chased by his enemies and had nobody to turn to but the Lord.
Additionally, we find it thrilling when Queen Athaliah missed killing the boy king Joash because of the Lord’s protection!

If we read the Bible, we will find it amusing to realize that there are similar situations in the Biblical characters’ lives that we encounter in our walk with Christ.

The Lives Of Bible Heroes Teach History

  • Peeking through — a gem opportunity!

Given the gaps in time, culture, language, geography, and the like, Biblical characters are relatable, but their lives are not entirely the same as ours. Thus, their lives give us a gem opportunity to peek through history and learn lessons from it.

In understanding the similar pattern in our experiences and how the Biblical characters dealt with it, we are guided with principles on how we could also address similar situations in life.

  • We differ, but not entirely!

Of course, our struggles with air pollution, the COVID-19 pandemic, climate change, among many others, are quite different from what they had back then.

Yet, there had been the great flood, the seven-year famine in Joseph’s time, wars, and times of conquest. Also, there were struggles in family relationships, politics, gender equality, discrimination, and other personal conflicts such as lust, gluttony, adultery, pride, covetousness, etc.

Bible Heroes Teach Us To Depend On The Lord’s Strength

  • In our weaknesses, we become strong.

These Biblical characters can be flawed and, most of the time, weak. Yet, they teach us that we don’t have to be strong in our might. Instead, in our weaknesses, the Lord makes us strong (2 Corinthians 12:7-10).

These are some of the characters who were made strong in their weaknesses:

  1. Sarah
    She was already old when she conceived the successor of Abraham.
  2. Moses
    He had a speech defect, yet the Lord made him lead the Israelites.
  3. Gideon
    He was initially found hiding from the Midianites, and he came from the weakest clan in his tribe.
  4. David
    David was the least in Jesse’s children, yet the Lord chose him to succeed Saul.
  5. Elijah
    Elijah was prominent because of the phenomenal miracle he led in Mt. Carmel. Yet, after that, he was found running for his life. He even got depressed to the point that he already wanted to die. Yet he was the prophet who did not see death and was taken into heaven by the chariots of fire.
  6. Peter
    Peter is impetuous. He also doubted Christ and feared for his own life. It led him to deny Jesus three times. Yet, Peter repented, changed, and became instrumental in founding the early church.
  7. John the Beloved
    He was initially called one of the “sons of thunder”. However, he was considered John the beloved later because of the love, mercy, and forgiveness he received from Christ.
  8. Zacchaeus
    Zacchaeus was a man hated by the people. His reputation as a tax collector is so bad. And although he has vast amounts of money in his pocket, he was a short man. Yet, when Jesus had an encounter with him, he repented and became a changed man.
  9. Mary Magdalene
    She was rejected by society. Seven demons previously enslaved her in her body. But when the Lord freed her, she became one of Christ’s most devoted followers. She was even one of the women who first learned of the resurrection of Christ.
  10. Paul
    He was the most avid persecutor of the church. Yet when he encountered God, he became the most influential preacher, authoring most of the New Testament books.
  • The message of the world contradicts the message of the Bible.

The world teaches us that to be successful. We have to get what it takes. In contrast, the Bible character teaches us that a humble heart will never beat a mighty man in the eyes of God.

Remember, “the Lord sees not as man sees: man looks on the outward appearance, but the Lord looks on the heart (1 Samuel 16:7).”

The Lives Of Bible Heroes Teach Practical Lessons

  • Good news–we don’t have to experience everything in life to be wise!

They say that experience is the best teacher. The good news is, we don’t have to experience everything first to be wise.

The Bible is a wellspring of wisdom coming from the real-life experiences of people just like us. We praise God that through the Biblical characters’ examples, we can learn much. We can also reflect on the many thoughts that may guide us as we journey in this life.

Bible Heroes Give Us Hope Of Salvation

  • Biblical characters lead us to a deeper faith in God.

It is inspiring to note that we can reflect God’s righteousness through every Bible character’s lives. It leads to a deeper faith in Him.

The world has corrupted our minds and hearts to glory in the strong and prey on the weak. The superheroes’ lives give us lessons of altruism and sacrifice. However, they have no power to save us from our ultimate adversary, which is death.

Bible Heroes Point Us To The Greatest Superhero Of All!

  • He who has the power to save is the greatest superhero of all!

Just like any Bible character, our lives here on earth are only but passing. It is easy to look up to people with extraordinary strength and fall in love with those out-of-the-ordinary characteristics.

Yet, we should not forget that the Bible has the greatest superhero of all. The One who made the leper walk, the blind to see, the sinner to be set free! He is the One Who died for you and me. He is Jesus.

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More About the Author

Homeschooling: Bible Heroes Trump Superheroes!Heroes 2 is a Bible trivia game released by the Hope Channel. It is a sequel to the game, Heroes, which was released way back in 2013. The latest game version is in its new 3D animation, comes with unique features, and has more challenging Bible questions in four languages: English, Portuguese, Spanish, and French. The game is available on both iOS and Android.