Homeschool Science

APRIL 10, 2014

Get Outdoors and Hands-On with Science

Springtime is a great time of year to take learning outside. Your children will be itching to get out, and you can build their science skills by helping them observe nature the way scientists…

MARCH 31, 2014

Pre-K Science: Beginning to Explore

So, there you are with your little four-year-old you’ve decided to homeschool.  There are multiple schools of thought out there on how much “school” should actually be happening in preschool. …

MARCH 6, 2014

Nature Study for Everybody

   “There is no kind of knowledge to be had in these early years so valuable to children as that which they get for themselves, of the world they live in. Let them at once get into…

OCTOBER 24, 2013

Simple Home Science Experiments

  Why is the sky blue? What makes a wheel turn? How do airplanes fly?  These questions show a kid’s natural curiosity of the world around them. Science is an excellent tool to help…

OCTOBER 16, 2013

Whittling – an Easy How-To

Adventurous kids tend to also be talented, artistic kids, who enjoy creating things and working with their hands.  That’s why wood whittling is not only a pleasant past time for many,…