Homeschool Math

JUNE 4, 2024

How to Create Your Own Thematic Homeschool Unit Study

Are you looking for a fun and engaging homeschooling experience? (Aren't we all?) Unit studies are an exciting experience for kids. A unit of study focuses on one central theme, e.g. insects. …

FEBRUARY 27, 2024

Unlocking Learning Magic: Homeschool Math Adventures

Everyone understands that math is essential, but most people don’t fathom the degree to which math controls our daily lives. For instance, you get from place A to B thanks to simple math calculations…

MARCH 30, 2023

STEM Activities for Homeschoolers

Sponsored by Time4Learning. Most are familiar with STEM, but just to refresh, it stands for Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math. It’s an educational philosophy that incorporates each…

FEBRUARY 17, 2023

5 Effective Resources for Middle School Math

When teaching middle school math in your homeschool, you play a critical role in shaping your children's mathematical understanding and confidence. You are introducing them to complex mathematical…

FEBRUARY 17, 2023

Maximizing Your Child’s Math Skills

Sponsored post by Strong math skills are crucial in the emerging job market. It’s no coincidence that educators and business professionals focus on the importance of STEM…

OCTOBER 1, 2022

Homeschool Help For High School Math

For the average homeschooling parent, teaching high school math can be a bit intimidating. Mention homeschooling the high school maths like Algebra, Geometry, and Trigonometry and you see their…

JUNE 13, 2022

What is Dyscalculia?

You may have heard of dyslexia (difficulty in learning to read or interpret words, letters, and other symbols) and dyspraxia (a condition affecting physical coordination), but have you heard…

MARCH 20, 2022

Is Your Kid Ready to Learn Coding?

Today’s kids are all "digital natives." A digital native simply means someone born during the information age who can quickly and easily consume digital information through computers, mobile…

AUGUST 4, 2021

How to Help Your Child Tackle Math Anxiety

This post is sponsored by Kumon. Math can be one of those subjects in school that someone believes they are either great or not-so-great at understanding. Those who struggle may be taking…

MAY 5, 2021

Tips For Supplementing Your Homeschool Program

This post is sponsored by Kumon. Homeschooling your children is probably a decision that didn’t come without consideration. When it was time to decide on a curriculum, you likely conducted…