
JULY 1, 2024

July Free Homeschool Printables

June has come and gone, and summer is in full swing! Whether you're traveling this summer or staying close to home, we hope you're enjoying this time with your family. We wanted this month's…

JULY 1, 2024

Free Independence Day Activities and Printables

Summer is an all-around favorite season for most people.  In the U.S., it’s even more exciting for many of us since we get to celebrate Independence Day!  The Fourth of July is a wonderful…

JUNE 5, 2024

June Free Homeschool Printables

I don't know about you, but I can hardly believe it's already summer! June arrived in what feels like record time, and along with it comes the fun of hot days, swimming pools, beaches, warm nights,…

MAY 22, 2024

Creating Your Homeschool Report Card

Whether you are new to homeschooling or an old pro, you may be thinking about report cards. What purpose do they serve homeschoolers? Does your child need one? How do you make one? We're here…

APRIL 30, 2024

May Free Homeschool Printables

Can you believe May is here and summer is just around the corner?! Whether you're winding down your homeschool year or preparing to continue forging ahead with your learning, hopefully, these…

MARCH 29, 2024

April Free Homeschooling Printables

Spring is here!! Hurray!! Maybe you're someone who gets out and enjoys the sunshine, warmer weather, and budding flowers, or you're keeping the allergy medicine and tissue companies in business…

FEBRUARY 26, 2024

March Free Homeschool Printables

Happy March! The days are getting a little longer, a hint of spring is in the air, and something about it all improves my spirits. I hope it does the same for you! Though we know winter isn't…

FEBRUARY 2, 2024

February Free Homeschool Printables

The first month of the new year flew (or crawled, depending on your perspective) by, and here we are in February! Hopefully, your year is off to a good start. With winter in full swing, a great…

JANUARY 2, 2024

January Free Homeschool Printables

Happy New Year, homeschooling friends! It's so hard to believe that it's January again. I personally love the beginning of a new year. Something about a brand new calendar and brand new planner…

DECEMBER 1, 2023

December Free Homeschool Printables

It's so hard to believe we're already at the end of the year! While the holiday season is always so incredibly busy, it's definitely a time when the flexibility of homeschool can work in your…