At Homeschool.com's FREEBIE FEBRUARY event, you can enter to win an e-Explore package from The Adventurous Mailbox!  (The Adventurous Mailbox is also offering a physical book give-away as…

  As part of Homeschool.com's FREEBIE FEBRUARY event, you can enter to WIN FREE Daddy, I Want to Read Books from Vanguard Education. And if you're interested, you can read a product…

  Enjoy the adventure that offers an advantage. The Picaresque of Imagine Purple is a fun, mystery book series with a sly, educational fiction twist. These books improve reading…

WooHoo!  FREEBIE FEBRUARY at Homeschool.com begins today!  Please tell everyone you know (really!), about all the great freebies that have posted today, and all those that will continue to…