This is a guest blog post from Sonlight. Regardless of your children's ages, you probably have overarching reasons to homeschool. Like teaching your faith to your kids, freedom to travel,…

Post sponsored by Excel High School For many, the homeschool journey is a deliberate and passionate choice, driven by a desire for personalized education that aligns with familial values and…

Before I became The HomeScholar and before I even began homeschooling, I was a nurse. I loved Biology and Chemistry and loved being a nurse.  This is one homeschooling mom who loves science! …

What does it mean to be human? It’s a deep question but the “human condition is the characteristics, key events, and situations which compose the essentials of human existence, such as birth,…

Congratulations! You've been working hard and now the end of your high school journey is in sight. It's time to review your plan and make sure that what you've set in place will still carry…

Children’s early experiences can help to shape the caliber of adults they become. It is partly this knowledge that can lead parents to opt for a homeschooling approach to their kids’ education.…

  If you are homeschooling a high school student, it's time to discuss your student's future.  What does your student want to do beyond high school?  This will impact the type of courses…

With classic literature, I believe some books are meant to be read when you are young and then again later when you are older. The ten teenage books listed below are no exception to this.…

Are you the type of person who thinks big but has difficulty following through?? Great ideas come easy, but you just can’t seem to make it happen? Vision boards may be the solution to helping…

Let’s face it: there are definitely times we want to throw in the towel on homeschooling and totally call it quits. These are usually the times when we’re stressed out or fall behind because…