Everyone understands that math is essential, but most people don’t fathom the degree to which math controls our daily lives. For instance, you get from place A to B thanks to simple math calculations…

Sponsored post by Time4Learning.com Strong math skills are crucial in the emerging job market. It’s no coincidence that educators and business professionals focus on the importance of STEM…

This post is sponsored by Kumon. Math can be one of those subjects in school that someone believes they are either great or not-so-great at understanding. Those who struggle may be taking…

Although Charlotte Mason never used the term living math, she did speak of living books and living learning, so the term living math is certainly in line with the spirit of CM. Simply put,…

  Math is the least liked subject for many homeschool parents and children. It can be scary, boring and frustrating. But math doesn't have to be any of these things. Research has shown…

OCTOBER 6, 2014

Math Fact Smarts

  While I have one child who memorized all of his math facts at age five, none of the others have taken to them as easily. There are many different types of kids and just as many different…