Deeper Roots Publications’s Product Reviews

Elementary-High School Students
$1.50 (for a download) – $100+ for a large, physical package

Deeper Roots Publications

Deeper Roots Publications offers Bible Curriculum which “Moves students
from Biblical knowledge to spiritual application.”

The statement of belief from Deeper Roots can be found here.

We reviewed the Deeper Roots Discovering series, which includes separate student and teacher handbooks for grades 7, 8 , 9, and 10. All of the books in the series have a similar format—they all contain Bible-related information, suggested activities to reinforce the material, fun artwork and more. The books require students to be involved in varied activities, and to respond in a variety of ways. This keeps them interested and involved (as does the overall subject material!).

In addition, each lesson introduces a group of people in the world that do not practice Christianity—learning about the “unreached groups” broadens students’ understanding of the world in general.

The Teacher’s Guides for all the grades are very helpful—with new ideas and suggestions throughout. Parents are encouraged to discuss the content with their students. After all, this is thought-provoking and soul-searching material—parents are encouraged to make the most of it, and build precept upon precept.

Information regarding the particular books follows–

  • Discovering Our Amazing God  Book 1 (Best for 7th Grade) — As the title suggests, this curriculum is designed to move kids past the mere facts of Bible stories—to the serious challenge of being better acquainted with their God. The lessons use thought provoking questions and assigned meditations to lead students to know God as a real person who wants to be involved in their lives. This Bible Curriculum focuses on some of the less familiar stories and events in the Bible.Examples of individual lessons include Discovering God’s Wisdom, Discovering God’s Power, Discovering God’s Creativity, Discovering God’s Love, and MORE.
  • Discovering Who I Am in Christ  Book 2 (Best for 8th Grade) — The goal of this book is to have kids personally identify with Christ. In this book, students learn more about “unreached peoples”, including profiles with artwork, regional maps and cultural specifics.Examples of individual classes include A New Creation, Precious in His Sight, Citizen of Heaven, Free at Last, and MORE.
  • Discovering Christ-Like Habits  Book 3 (Best for 9th Grade) — This book encourages daily Christian habits such as prayer, worship, Bible study, etc. Each habit is presented with insights into its importance and with opportunities to practice and make application. The lessons combine Bible studies with plenty of hands-on activities, writing stories, interviewing family members, planning and acting out Bible dramas, and taking field trips.Examples of lessons include Growing in Faith, The Secret of the Will, The Gift of Prayer, and MORE.
  • Discovering a Christ-Like Character  Book 4 (Best for 10th Grade) — This book uses Bible accounts of Christ’s life to challenge students to a lifetime of following His example. Based on the belief that if students focus on the character of Jesus (compassion, mercy, forgiveness, patience, etc.), they will want to be more like Him. Classes include Discovering Christ’s Joy, Discovering Christ’s Humility, Discovering Christ’s Love, and MORE.

Want to learn more? You can download the Deeper Roots Bible Curriculum brochure here.

You can download free pdf sample lessons at