Homeschool Hall Tracking Platform Review
SUMMARY of Homeschool Hall Homeschool Curriculum Review:
- Grades: K-12
- Subjects: All subjects
- Category: Non-religious
- Format: Online
- Price: $7.99/monthly, $79.99/yearly, or $300/lifetime access
How to Use Homeschool Hall Tracking Platform
Homeschool Hall is a tracking software created by homeschoolers for homeschoolers. Its creators have put together this product to help homeschool parents keep track of all the necessary information in a simple manner. Using the Activity Journal, one can record grades, subjects, activities, time spent, attendance, and more! It can be used for all grades and all subjects. It produces progress reports, can be used for an unlimited number of children, and includes a Student Access feature. This program will keep everything organized and in an easily accessed area, saving time, effort, and frustration!
Homeschool Hall Highlights
The Activity Journal includes:
- Unique state requirements
- Student Access
- High School Transcript Generator
- On-demand and Scheduled Reporting Tools
- Adjustable widget options, such as:
- Total time recorded for the academic year (and what you have remaining to meet your goal)
- Core & Non-Core/Elective time
- Hours per day average
- Percent of your time spent on each Subject
- Overall time spent on each Subject
- Average time spent per day
- Total attendance days
- Time spent at your “Home” location vs. instruction outside of the home
- And more coming soon!
Homeschool Hall Pros and Cons
- Quick and easy setup
- Customizable activities for each child
- Options to attach a link or document for each completed activity
- Applicable for varying age ranges – elementary through high school
- Includes a Homeschool Directory where one can find other homeschool groups/activities in your area
- Transcript Builder calculates GPA and credit hours for the parent and produces a professional-looking transcript
- Affordable price for all you receive
- Takes some time and practice to get it set up
Video Review from Homeschool Hall User