Xtra Math Online Learning

By: Xtra Math


XtraMath is a free program that helps students master math facts including addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division with extra math worksheets. Students learn at different paces and in different ways. Students must get the opportunity to review and practice.

If students are having a problem at the right time they can increase their math fluency with rewarding supplemental math activities that develop math fact fluency. Students find XtraMath an intrinsically rewarding supplemental math program. Parents with kids and families find Extra Math helpful with detailed reports, user guides, higher-level math concepts, and an easy guide that you can download.

XtraMath is used by over 6.5 million students as a proven math help platform and has been in use since 2009.

XtraMath Available Products

There is also an XtraMath app available for $4.99. Timed activities help students meet standards and become fluent in their facts with a little extra math practice. After the activities are completed students are shown their progress in easy-to-understand responses. Sessions within Xtra Math are around ten minutes, and students can easily increase their math fluency.

Xtra Math makes it easy for parents to track progress with their key reporting features. Parents can sign up for weekly reports to be sent to them.

ExtraMath Product Reviews

“I can see the student’s progress and the math facts they are missing. The students love it when they master their program and get a certificate to show off on the wall.”


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Jamie G .
We used this product and it worked well for our homeschool children.


  • Math


  • 1st Grade
  • 2nd Grade
  • 3rd Grade
  • 4th Grade


Games Multiple Formats Websites


Non-Faith Based


Student Led Traditional
Price: Free-$4.99