It’s beautiful outside, the peacefulness of a newly fallen snow… the calmness the soft fluffy flakes bring to a heart… SHATTERED by the noises of bored children disagreeing about every little thing. Sigh.
It can happen so fast – frustration can set in and before you know it – that sweet quiet time you had this morning… gone! But, often when we find something meaningful and engaging for our children to do, the arguments and discontent melt away. I know – we don’t always have time to put together amazing activities – life is just too busy! But that’s why I thought we’d share a few of our favorites for you to bookmark!
Printable Worksheets – Don’t miss this awesome little gem. Simply website – but chock full of word search and crossword puzzles that teach while you have a good time! States, presidents, science, literature, and animal puzzles categorized by grade are easy to find and use!
Pureflix library of homeschool resources – you can sign up for a free trial month. This resource may be something you just might want to invest in and it’s perfect for inclement weather days.
Make Pop Up Books from things that you are learning in history or science. We love pop up books at our house and finding a way to make them ourselves is amazing!
40 Boredom Busting Activities to do with your kids. There’s a mix of all kinds in here!