Faith-Based Homeschooling Article
Every parent would agree, the blessings of parenting outweigh the daily challenges. However, most parents have secretly wished for a “Dummies Guide to Parenting” to magically show up in their mailbox! Yet, even with all of the amazing self-help books and parenting “how-tos”, the daily responsibilities of parenting can weigh heavy. However, the Bible is amazingly relevant to those everyday challenges! Here are a few ways to help find that much-needed parenting inspiration:
Christian Encouragement and Parenting
Finding encouragement as a homeschool parent can feel like searching for a needle in a haystack. Yes, there are times when you will feel alone but don’t despair. Certainly, we’ve been there and understand completely. We realize that it often takes someone to come along beside and lift us up when we feel like we cannot go any further. That’s what this section is all about. We’ve written articles and we’ve reached out to other homeschool parents with the same struggles and they’ve shared their experiences. God has promised to lead us and guide us not just in the big things, but the daily and even moment-by-moment struggles we face as parents.
- FAQ About Christian Homeschooling with Ellen Gardner
- Christian Homeschooling, Nancy’s Story
- Parents Share Their Best Homeschooling Tips
- Christian Homeschooling Blog Posts
- Christian (Faith-Based) Homeschooling Curriculum and Resources
- Easy Peasy All-in-One Homeschool
The author of this homeschool curriculum put her child’s assignments online so that they can work independently and so that they have the assignments saved for the younger siblings. Grade levels and courses include 180 days of homeschool lessons and assignments. It covers reading, writing, grammar, spelling, vocabulary, math, history/social studies/geography, science, Bible, computer, music, art, PE/health, and logic. It uses only free materials found on the internet. - The End in Mind –Blog with a wide variety of helpful resources and lesson ideas for the Christian homeschool family
Faith-Based Homeschool Curriculum Discounts
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Faith-Filled Homeschool Days
Sometimes we get busy and forget that the simple things in life are what matter. Homeschooling is an amazing adventure and an accomplishment that will be life-changing for your children. But, there are times when the demands of homeschooling, parenting, and even working can be overwhelming.
When you find yourself in those situations, don’t just try to push through. Take time. If needed, take a few days off from schooling and revisit those things that recharge your joy. As a Christian, taking the first step to sit at His feet with the Word of God, to read expectantly and listen is as important as breathing. Consistency is also important. Above all, keep seeking, keep stilling your heart… the peace and joy will come.
- Make time every day for quiet reflection – listen for that still small voice!
- Fill your cup – you can’t pour yourself into your family unless your cup is full!
- Take time with your children and teach them the attitude of gratitude and reflection!