Middle & High School

Want an Alternative to Expensive College? Did you know that you can homeschool through college? In fact, your teen can take the higher education courses they need online right at home.  College…

The question of socialization comes up often in conversations about homeschooling. Parents who are new to homeschooling or considering it as a future option may recognize that school provides…

Many parents who are homeschooling look to the Internet to find online instructional resources. But determining whether or not certain online courses are an effective academic solution can be…

Indeed, the "Classical" homeschool approach has existed since the Middle Ages and has produced some of the greatest minds in history. In fact, the goal of the classical homeschool technique…

Obviously, a great thing about homeschooling is the ability to use anything from which to learn. In fact, no matter which curriculum you choose to use, or perhaps you choose not to use a curriculum…

Indeed, college is something that looms large in the minds of homeschooling parents and students alike. How does one move from the homeschool environment to a college or university environment?…

Motivation is a tricky thing... sometimes it's our best friend right there with us keeping us going, and at other times it's so elusive we wonder if we've ever known motivation at all! The…

Burnout is undeniably a growing concern among homeschool parents. The unrelenting prolonged stress of managing so many responsibilities can begin to negatively affect lives. One thing that…

Why is the study of high school literature so important? Of course, we want our children to be well read, and hopefully to enjoy reading in general. But at the high school level, perhaps…

Faith-Based Resource If you're looking for ways to get your students writing a bit more during this year, consider journaling! Our journal download can be used for a faith-based exercise each…