Middle & High School

Summer Learning Resource Guide "Fill your house with stacks of books, in all the crannies and all the nooks." Dr. Seuss I feel fortunate to be a part of the information age and…

Personal Advice on How to Finish the Year Strong Rebecca Kochenderfer Editor of Homeschool.com Staying programmed for…

Is Your Child Prepared for Middle School? It is always important that parents and students reflect on the successes and areas of opportunity they experienced from the past year and begin to…

  As I mentioned in my first Advice newsletter, I homeschooled all the way from preschool to college, made plenty of mistakes, and learned a lot along the way. One of the most important…

 April 6, 2015 New website to teach the Constitution This newsletter is brought to you by Hillsdale College for FREE email updates …

A report by researchers at the University of Cambridge revealed that our money habits are formed by age seven. “The sooner parents start taking advantage of everyday teachable money moments…

It's important that we teach our children practical life skills--skills that teach them how to survive in society--how to thrive in society. These practical life skills can be divided into at…

Ensure Your Child's Financial Success   If you've been telling your children, "Go to college, get good grades and work at a large company until you retire" you may be dooming them to…