Sarah’s Homeschool Story!

   I am Sarah, a second-generation homeschool mom, hailing from the great peach state of the south, Georgia. We have been blessed with four amazing, busy, and creative children ….from 2 to 15 years old. We have homeschooled since our oldest was little, so sometimes it feels like we’ve been homeschooling for a really long time.

   This year with COVID-19 and all that’s been going on in our country has been challenging for everyone. Our personal family challenges, like a small toilet paper fiasco, seem so small compared to others that we feel very blessed. Our small co-op had to go online, and we had to work through quite a few technical glitches, but other than that our homeschool routine has really stayed the same. We’ve tried some new curriculum, read new books, gone camping (which is perfect for social distancing!), written letters to lonely friends from our church, talked about a lot of deep issues with our older children, worn a lot of masks, and several days have been tearful. For our family, it has been hardest to feel so isolated from the people that are special to us. We’ve never used FaceTime so much before, and been so thankful for technology!

    Our future year will probably look a lot like it does right now, but we have definitely been reminded of the blessing of family and friends and how mindful we should be of time with each of them. This year has been unusual, to say the least, but as homeschoolers, we are already preparing for challenges, because our children are growing in an environment that will truly prepare them for ministering to others. They are learning the value of our freedom to homeschool, praying for our leaders and our country, seeing what it means to look out for the needs of others.

    I’ve been reminded of these things this year, the real reason we homeschool isn’t it…to nurture the gifts that our children can be what God wants them to be.  May your homeschool journey be exciting, adventurous, thought-provoking, and the precious gift of growing hearts!


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Swanson Homeschooling Family


Sarah is a second-generation homeschool mom and an amazing seamstress. She lives with her husband and four children in Georgia.