Secular Homeschool
Homeschooling: Getting Started Guide
You CAN homeschool! Truly, we believe anyone can start homeschooling with a few simple steps. In this article, you'll learn the essentials for beginning to homeschool with a strong foundation. 6…
African American History Unit Study
Indeed, it's vital to be intentional about all of history since African American history is simply American history. However, most texts, though well-meaning, don't exhaust this rich subject.…
Forensic Science for Kids
Does your child love detective stories, watch crime scene investigation (CSI) shows, or dream of being a forensic scientist someday? Forensic Science for kids may be just what you need! Mysteries…
Secular Curriculum Awards
What is the best secular homeschool curriculum? Find out what homeschoolers like you voted as the Best Secular Homeschool Curriculum for 2023! Click Below to Jump to Your Subject: …
Age of Exploration For Kids
Also known as the Age of Discovery, the Age of Exploration is the period of time, mostly from the 1400s to the 1600s, when the nations of Europe explored the world. In fact, Portuguese explorer,…
Reading Level Assessment Tools
Of course, in order to effectively teach your children reading, you need to know where to start. To start, it helps if you can identify their reading levels. This is so that you can challenge…
Math Grade Level Placement Tools
Math! A dreaded subject. Indeed, both parents and teachers sometimes have "math anxiety" when teaching the subject. Some may be due to uncertainty about where a student performs in math. After…
Why You Need An Out-Of-State Library Card
It is no secret that libraries are homeschoolers' best friends. Homeschool families take on a multitude of challenges and expenses to meet the needs of their children. In fact, for many families,…
Women in History Homeschool Unit Study
Throughout history, there have been some remarkable women who have made incredible contributions to society. Indeed, some are more widely known than others, but all deserve recognition. As we…
What is Secular Homeschooling?
One of the first big choices you make as a new homeschooler is to decide how you will homeschool. Secular homeschooling and faith-based homeschooling are the two main groups of thought with which…