For many, the concept of learning styles is debatable. Yet, for those of us that have been in the trenches for years, we can see the mounting evidence of using a learning preference to assist our student’s motivation and enable more efficient learning.
What is a Learning Style or Preference?
A child’s learning style is their natural way of processing information in different learning situations. Proponents assert that when you better understand your child’s learning style, you can become better partners in the process. Those that disagree with this concept, propose that a child should be confronted with all learning modalities in order to challenge and teach them how to learn within their weak areas.
Learn More about Learning Preferences
Curious to find out more for yourself? Explore learning preferences or what some call learning styles and determine how they might affect your homeschool efforts.
Discover Your Child’s Learning Preferences
Some children prefer structure and learn best when they are told what to do, others learn best on their own. Some children do their best work around the kitchen table, and others excel when they are out-of-doors. The goal for the homeschooling parents is to identify how, when, and what their child learns best and to adapt their teaching style to their child.
Find Out Which Learning Modality Your Child Prefers
Discover how your child learns and understand what motivates them to learn more.
A Balanced Approach To Learning Modalities
There are seven primary styles of learning and, while no one is really limited to one, most people have preferences. Understanding that students can be more motivated while using their preferred method of learning it is important to balance with the idea that children should be challenged. However, in our culture, we often place emphasis on teaching to areas of weakness instead of teaching to our child’s strengths. Using a learning preference to help a child find success in education is teaching with their strengths in mind.
Discover How to Implement in Your Homeschool
Identifying which learning modality your child prefers can be simple, but implementing methods in your homeschool to suit each style can be a bit more difficult.
Maximize Learning By Tailoring Your Homeschool Space
I’ve found that a chaotic learning space or an overly stimulating room can actually cause children to be distracted and therefore unable to focus on learning. However, if we create a homeschool area that supports our student’s learning preferences we can actually maximize and make learning more efficient by eliminating those things that distract our children.
Tailor Your Homeschool Space
Learning can be more focused and efficient when your learning space is organized and supports your child’s learning modalities.
Using Learning Styles to Build Confidence
It’s easy to understand that a child’s confidence could be impacted by their learning success. We’ve seen time and again how using a child’s learning preference causes the student to be more motivated to participate and ultimately to learn, which in turn often brings the student success, and ultimately more confidence.
Learning Styles, The Key to Confidence and Success
Find out more about how to implement these concepts to build success and ultimately confidence in your student!