10 Ways to Revive Your Homeschool This Winter

February 21, 2020
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Just as people get the “winter blues” it is also possible to get the “homeschool blues”, and it often happens during the wintertime.  We lose focus of our homeschool goals and we just go through the motions so that we can meet the State’s requirements.  It is also not as fun as it was at the beginning of the year.  This is normal and I experience this every year.  So how do you get out of this “funk?”  Here are 10 ways that I have used over the years to help get the excitement back and finish the school year strong.

  • Plan extra field trips – get out and explore the area you live in.  Go to a Maple Sugar farm,  a local museum, or an escape room.  The sky is the limit to choose something fun and interesting!
  • Use themed material – There are several holidays in February to choose from as well as just the theme of winter and snow. You can find many resources to help you plan something fun on our Freebies page at Homeschool.com.
  • Mix up your school day – take a break at a different time or start with your last subject and work backward. Loop scheduling is a perfect way to incorporate this into your homeschool today. Change it up!
  • Play more games – there are so many educational games out there. For example Math War, Pirate Scrabble, Trivia, or Fraction Pizza to name a few. Games teach, so substitute games for some of the lessons. Here is a great resource on gameschooling!
  • Go outside and play – enjoy nature. Take walks, build snowmen, or do a science experiment using snow.  One thing we like to do is throw acorns across our lake to see how far they roll.  This can be a science lesson on friction and math.  Everything we do can be turned into a lesson.
  • Go to a homeschool conference – this is a great way to get energized and excited. Homeschool conventions are fun, inspiring and a great way to get your homeschool curriculum at a discount!
  • Get together more often with other homeschoolers – have play dates.  Connecting with others can be a great boost.
  • Exercise – either as a family or by yourself. Do a rope course, ski, sledding, skating, bowling, tennis, or swimming.  Many places offer discounts for homeschoolers.  Being physically active gets you motivated and the blood pumping, plus it is fun.
  • Take a class at a local high school or college – this can get your creative juices flowing, and it can even count as a dual enrollment credit!
  • Start looking at next year’s curriculum – this is my favorite. Pull out the catalogs and start planning!  I love seeing what is out there and then ordering it.  Don’t you get excited waiting for it to come? It’s so exciting to get a new homeschool curriculum, open the package, and spread it all over the kitchen table!

The homeschool winter blues will happen, but if you have a plan of action it won’t last long.  Using these or other options to help revive your homeschooling helps you and your children stay focused and excited about learning.


Kimberly Smith – Volunteer Contributor

Kim Smith contributor


Kimberly Smith is a religious homeschool mom of 4 children with three of those in college! She has had over 17 years of homeschool experience including the privilege to homeschool a child with serious learning disabilities as well as a gifted child. Kim and her family enjoy fostering children, were thrilled to adopt their seven-year-old through fostering, and are now homeschooling again! Kim and her husband of 26 years have gone through many ups and downs with their children as well as in life. Job losses, frequent moves, and the challenge of loving a child through rebellion have been a part of their growth and give Kimberly the insight to touch others.