Newsletter 36: Homeschooling with a Stress Free Thanksgiving

The Stress-Free Thanksgiving Issue

Want the holidays to be full of precious memories and absent of stress?

We’re pretty sure you’re shouting a resounding, yes! (We are!) We all love the holidays, but the chaos and stress that typically accompany those amazing memory filled events can take its toll. Our team of experienced homeschool moms is here to share practical ideas and tips for making this year’s busy holiday season one of the most memorable and stress-free that you’ve experienced. Take a minute to dive deep into these two articles. Both are full of practical help that you can easily begin using to make your own stress-free holiday. With the start of the holiday season around the corner, you’ll be seeing a full line up of stress-free helps at Stop by and visit!

Happy Thanksgiving from the Moms @!


Ideas for Thanksgiving Fun

with kid activities!

I feel like I blinked and the world jumped from enjoying beach days to bundling up against the chilly weather. To be fair, autumn is an absolutely beautiful time of year and the change in seasons is refreshing.

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Pro Tips for Relaxed Holiday Homeschooling

While it can seem overwhelming, this is truly one of the areas where homeschooling shines brightest. This time of year is the best opportunity for homeschoolers to take advantage of its benefits –mainly, the freedom from a strict schedule!

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