Infographic: Avoid Going “Homeschool Blind!”

Have you ever thought about your homeschooling successes and failures? Have you taken the time to “grade” yourself?

Then you’ve assessed your homeschool!

But is it time to do it again?

Click the infographic image to download and print my favorite prompts for assessing my homeschool!

5 Ways to Assess Your Homeschool
Print and use in your homeschool!

Homeschooling is a huge endeavor, and a lot is riding on our efforts as we teach and train our children. It’s really just good practice to check ourselves, to review what we’ve been doing to make sure it’s the best we can offer. Employees do it, students do it, teachers do it… homeschool parents should do it. Assessing or taking inventory of your homeschool is a perfect way to ensure things are in order and running well. Because, to be honest, we can get a little “homeschool blind.” You know that thing that happens to us when we’re knee-deep in something?  Just like after a few minutes you don’t smell that stinky diaper… that can happen to us with bad habits in our homeschool.

I’ve benefitted greatly from taking a retrospective view at the end of each homeschooling year. But I have to really take a step back, try to get my head out of the day-to-day, reach deep, and review my homeschool.

That’s one of the main reasons we’ve put together this cool infographic. Print it out – tape it in the front of your homeschool binder or place it in the months that you feel like you might need to do a homeschool assessment. It’ll be there, prompting you to really see… and to avoid going “homeschool blind.”






Want to read more in this series?

Take Inventory of Your Homeschool