Search Results for: science projects

Science Unit Study Collection

Science presents the best opportunities for hands-on fun, experiments, and learning moments. Here are several free unit studies for these fascinating topics!

Advanced Physical Science

Exploration Education offers hands-on, year-long courses in physical science. Students will study electricity, light, the periodic table, and more, while discovering the relationship between science and daily life. Materials and lesson plans are provided for 180 lessons, 144 activities/experiments, and 10 projects. Students use the online, interactive student text in combination with a student logbook. […]

Standard Physical Science

Exploration Education offers hands-on, year-long courses in physical science. Students will study electricity, light, the periodic table, and more, while discovering the relationship between science and daily life. Materials and lesson plans are provided for 108 lessons, 108 activities/experiments, and 7 projects. Students use the online, interactive student text in combination with a student logbook. […]

Elementary Physical Science

Exploration Education offers hands-on, year-long courses in physical science. Students will study force, energy, magnets, sound, and more, while discovering the relationship between science and daily life. Materials and lesson plans are provided for 36 lessons, 36 activities/experiments, and 4 projects. Students use the online, interactive student text in combination with a student activity book. […]

Home Science Tools

Home Science Tools curriculum lab kits include high-quality lab tools and instructions for conducting engaging home science experiments. Each kit comes with most of the needed materials to successfully conduct the hands-on labs in your preferred homeschool curriculum – whether that’s Abeka, Apologia, Bob Jones, Alpha Omega, another curriculum, or a combination of many. Plus, […]

Science Expeditions

Little Passports Science Expeditions is a monthly subscription box designed to introduce children to their world through fun and educational STEM activities. The first package is a Science Introductory Kit with a tote bag, lab notebook, forensic science experiment kit, fingerprint analysis materials, and other games and activities. Monthly packages include a comic book with […]

Science Junior

Little Passports is a monthly subscription box designed to introduce children to their world. Science Junior teaches 5-8 year olds about themes such as music, rockets, volcanoes, chimpanzees, and wetlands. The first package is an Introductory Kit with a backpack, trading cards, Weddell seals experiment kit, comic, Antarctica board game, and backpack patch. Monthly packages […]

Science Starters: Elementary Physical & Earth Science

Elementary Physical & Earth Science is designed for students in grades 3-6, from a Biblical perspective. Designed to be interactive & hands-on. Students will learn key concepts of physical science & geology through simple explanations & fun hands-on activities using common household items. Students easily learn to explain processes, apply the knowledge they are learning, […]