Rookie Rescuer Homeschool Curriculum Review
SUMMARY of Rookie Rescuer Homeschool Curriculum Review:
- Grades: 2nd-6th
- Subjects: Elective – Bible, First Responders
- Category: Faith-based
- Format: Workbook
- Price: $15.95
Visit the Rookie Rescuer website here.
How to Use Rookie Rescuer in Your Homeschool
Rookie Rescuer is a great way to teach your children about God and the work of First Responders. Written by legendary firefighter, Tommy Neiman, this book uses the premise of real calls from his 30+ year career to teach kids about the valuable work first responders do, while also highlighting how he has seen God move in the middle of tragedy.
Each lesson (call) has a memory verse, questions from the call’s details, and questions relating to God’s Word. Upon completing the workbook, your child will receive a Rookie Rescuer Certificate and details for corresponding field trips where your homeschool student can show off all they have learned!
Rookie Rescuer Highlights
Rookie Rescuer includes:
- 12 units (calls) with spacing for write-in answers to practical and spiritual questions
- ‘Family of God’ section
- Three field trip visits:
- Fire station
- EMS station
- Fire Hydrant (with instructions for parents/teachers)
- Answer Sheets
Rookie Rescuer Pros and Cons
- With stimulating lessons, students should have no problem maintaining interest
- An exciting way to learn about first responders from a decorated firefighter
- For Christians who include the Bible and Biblical principles in their homeschool, this will be a great addition
- Not for families who don’t include the Bible in homeschooling
Additional Comments from a Rookie Rescuer User
“I was sent a copy of the Rookie Rescuer workbook to review in our homeschool. My son is a little younger than the target age, but I read through the book. I loved the units. They contained enough description to maintain interest without being graphic and scary. The calls tell of fires, vehicle accidents, choking…even a shark attack!
I also loved the way the units were laid out. There is a word box for new vocabulary at the beginning of each lesson, a Bible memory verse, the description of the call, the definitions from the vocabulary word box, questions from the call, and then questions that tie in Biblical truths to the lesson. The units are not too long, and I feel they really will hold children’s attention.
The certificate is a neat thing to include for the conclusion of the book. I also enjoyed the instructions that go along with the field trip pages. As a mom and former teacher, I know how vital hands-on experiences are for really driving home a point or lesson. Having a child visit a fire station, inspect a fire hydrant, and investigate an ambulance/EMS station will solidify all they learned throughout this book. As a mom who is also an introvert and uncomfortable in situations outside my comfort zone, the instructions on what to see and questions to ask are much appreciated.
Though I may not have been able to go through this book with my son right now, I’m going to hang on to it and we will use it next year! I’m also going to tell my other homeschool mom friends about Rookie Rescuer and encourage them to use it as well.” – Catherine W., North Carolina