Looking for a Simple Way to Plan Your Homeschool?

New to homeschooling? Been homeschooling a long time?

Either way, we all need a plan! And not just any plan, but a plan that is flexible and works with our unique family needs!

Creating this type of homeschooling plan can be challenging, but the planner you use can often be the tool that simplifies the process. Jamie and Homeschool.com have created a planner that not only simplifies the homeschooling process but also supplies the parent with the records and supporting documents that help organize all the details. Our team has also created both a print version as well as a digital planner version in an effort to meet the needs of a wide variety of homeschool parents.

We all know time is so essential because there is never enough of it!  We want you to get your very own version of this planner.



With beautifully designed full-color pages, weekly spread, and almost every document imaginable to make your homeschooling organization easier, you’ll find the Sanity Saver Homeschool Planner is just that – – a real Sanity Saver! Watch my simple video below that explains how I use the Sanity Saver Homeschool Planner.

  • Print your pages or purchase at Amazonhow to homeschool plan
  • Take apart your book and 3 hole-punch your pages
  • Place your planner pages in a 3-ring binder
  • Start with planning your full-year “dates”
    • When will you start?
    • When will you take your holiday?
  • Next, look at each subject and determine what your BIG goal is
    • Break those big goals down into half a year – then months – then weeks – then days
  • Don’t take tons of time planning each subject each day – just write down page numbers and other info as needed



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