Is lesson planning taking over your life? For many homeschoolers, lesson planning becomes that dreaded task we never look forward to doing. Sure, it makes teaching lessons easier but at what cost? If you’re sick of feeling stressed about lesson planning, try using online tools and/or apps designed to make this task a tad easier. And, take my Tip for Lesson Planning to heart!
Best Advice for Homeschool Lesson Planning
As a homeschool mom of six who has been homeschooling for 15 years, I’ve learned to keep it simple! I was a classroom teacher/administrator in my past life (pre-homeschooling) so lesson planning was part of life. But I quickly found that in a home environment with (dare I say) A LOT of kids my typical lesson planning was overkill.
Most homeschool curriculum comes with pre-made lesson plans often referred to as an “open and go” curriculum. This is perfect for the busy homeschool mom. All you need to do is keep track of where you are in the book! Truthfully, a sticky note works… but I love paper so I usually just write down the page numbers I want to cover in my planner. If there is an upcoming quiz or test – I’ll note that so I can warn the kids!
Simple. (Breathe… you got this!)
However, there are cases where you might put together your homeschool course. If you’re doing that then you’ll want to use traditional lesson planning. Yet, in today’s world technology is here to help! Below you’ll find some of my favorite online tools and apps for homeschool planning!
Trello for Homeschooling
Trello is a free organizational tool that acts as a visual pinboard for users. As a Trello user, you’ll create “lists” and each list will have “cards” on it. For instance, you could create a list for each day of the week with cards for each subject. Or, you could create a list for each quarter with a card for each week in the quarter. However, you decide to organize it is completely up to you.
Google Classroom for Homeschooling
Google Classroom is another free organizational tool you can use for your homeschool. Once you set up a “classroom” in Google Classroom, you’ll have a “feed” (similar to your Facebook newsfeed) where all assignments and announcements you post for your students will appear on the home page. Easily add assignments and your students can communicate back with you. You assign deadlines and Google keeps track of what’s overdue for you. This tool is especially beneficial if you have older students who are gone frequently.
Digital Homeschool Planner
Get a free digital homeschool planning kit that helps you plan weekly lessons (just click and duplicate the tab for additional weeks) as well as report cards and budgeting.
Homeschool Minder
Homeschool Minder is a great tool for homeschool families. You can input lesson plans, track assignments, add events to your calendar, record courses, monitor reading lists, and generate as many reports as you need.
Lesson Planning Apps for Homeschoolers
Lesson planning apps are similar to online versions except that they’re configured to run on mobile devices such as tablets or phones. If this suits you best, you may be interested in one of the following apps:
- Homeschool Helper – This app is consistently rated as one of the most helpful apps for homeschooling families. The app was built specifically for homeschoolers and it allows you to track field trips, assignments, events, grades, lesson plans, and more.
- Evernote – Evernote is a great app for people not quite ready to take the plunge into the digital age. You can store files, images, to-do lists, and more. Of course, that means you can also create lesson plan lists and portfolios of your children’s writing assignments. Since it’s an app, you’ll have access to it either online or on the go.
Our Free Tools for Lesson Planning
Our Best Homeschool Planning Tips
Organization and Time Management for Homeschoolers
Sanity Saver Homeschool Planner (FREE DOWNLOAD)
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