Homeschooling Curriculum
Homeschool with the Eclectic Method
The eclectic method of homeschooling is a mixture of various approaches. This philosophy utilizes a combination of approaches to find what works with a little of this and a little of that. Curriculum…
Time4Learning vs Power Homeschool: What’s the Difference?
Of course, homeschooling families face a delightful yet daunting array of online curriculum options. And amidst this sea of choices, parents often struggle to determine which program best suits…
Time4Learning vs Miacademy: What’s the Difference?
Homeschooling families today face a new challenge unheard of in the past few decades. With the rise of homeschooling’s popularity, the number of homeschool curricula has exploded. And amidst…
Individualized Instruction Helps One Mom
This post is sponsored by Time4Learning. Before the pandemic, it was business as usual for Boca Raton resident Nikki Warris. Her two daughters, 5-year-old Natalie and 8-year-old Lexi were…
Top 10 Preschool Curriculum Options
Do you have an eager little learner on your hands? Indeed, if you have young children and you’ve decided to homeschool them, you may be wondering if you should use a Preschool curriculum. …
Give the Gift of Holiday Writing Fun!
Winter break is here! Can you keep your writing skills sharp while still having fun? Of course! Writing can even become something your children look forward to when you use engaging, creative…
Top 5 Benefits of Blended Learning
Sponsored post by Discover! Homeschoolers are already wired for “alternative education.” We know that our school journey will look different than most, with more flexibility and an individual…
Using the Summertime to Build Background Knowledge
This post is sponsored by Imagine you are a third-grader, living your whole life in a high-rise apartment building in New York City. For school, you are asked to read Charlotte’s…
Embracing Online Learning in Homeschooling
Post sponsored by Discover! Gone are the days when students simply showed up to school, listened to their teacher’s lessons, and were sent home with homework or assignments. It’s just…
New Tips on How to Homeschool
Post sponsored by Bridgeway Academy So, you have decided to homeschool. Unless you have been around the homeschooling block a few times or are surrounded by homeschooling friends, you may…