Time4Learning vs Power Homeschool: What’s the Difference?

May 23, 2024
Written by:
Jamie Gaddy

Of course, homeschooling families face a delightful yet daunting array of online curriculum options. And amidst this sea of choices, parents often struggle to determine which program best suits their student’s unique needs. In fact, if you’ve been homeschooling for any time, you’ve heard of Time4Learning and Power Homeschool®. Actually, both are very popular homeschool curriculum choices. In this article, we’ll put Time4Learning vs Power Homeschool to clarify their differences.

Tips for Determining Your Child’s Curriculum Needs

  • Does the curriculum fit your child’s learning style or preference? (What type of teaching method motivates your child to learn?)power homeschool vs time4learning comparison
  • Does the curriculum offer all the levels and features that your child will need?
  • Is the content challenging enough to keep the student engaged and achieving?
  • Will the curriculum facilitate your student’s post-graduation plans?
  • Does the curriculum meet your needs as a parent-teacher?

Making an Informed Choice

Certainly, choosing between Time4Learning and Power Homeschool® involves considering your family’s preferences, your student’s learning style, and your educational goals. Time4Learning is an award-winning homeschool program that has helped families educate their children for over 20 years, while Power Homeschool is the sister product to the online school Acellus Academy. However, these two programs may seem quite similar,  so we’ll break the comparison down into categories.

Time4Learning vs Power Homeschool®: General Features

power homeschool vs time4learning general feature comparison

Time4Learning vs. Power Homeschool®: Price Comparison

power homeschool vs time4learning pricing features

Time4Learning vs Power Homeschool®: Teaching Style

power homeschool vs time4learning teaching style

Time4Learning vs Power Homeschool®: Planning & Reporting

power homeschool vs time4learning planning and reporting

Time4Learning vs Power Homeschool®: Customer Support

time4learning vs power homeschool customer support

Remember, it’s always good practice to bring together a variety of materials to round out your homeschool curriculum, these may include physical education, reading books, and field trips.  Indeed, we’ve shared a lot of information with you throughout this post, so let’s summarize:

Summary of Time4Learning Features

  • An engaging, interactive curriculum that caters to students from PreK to 12th grade, offering the ability to access multiple grade levels at once, switching between them with ease.
  • Affordable pricing ($29.95/month for PreK-5th and $39.95/month for 6th-12th) with discounts for additional students
  • Multimedia teaching style with downloadable worksheets/printables for additional hands-on practice
  • Customizable curriculum to meet students where they are
  • Personalized lessons and planning tools, including calendar, reporting, grading, and more
  • Training videos, email and phone customer service support, and a 14-day money-back guarantee

Summary of Power Homeschool® Features

  • Previously called the Acellus Homeschool program, the Power Homeschool® curriculum takes a video-based approach and caters to grades PreK-12.
  • Pricing is affordable at $25/month per student
  • Reproduces a traditional school environment with pre-recorded videos with additional help videos for difficult concepts
  • Takes a mastery approach in place of being able to customize between multiple grade levels
  • Offers some planning tools without a customizable option
  • Provides training videos and phone/email customer support

Differentiators:  Power Homeschool® uses a video approach that may be difficult for some students while Time4Learning’s interactive approach keeps students engaged throughout the lesson. In addition, Power Homeschool® has limited planning tools, while Time4Learning offers customizable planning tools to make homeschooling easy! Read the full comprehensive review of Time4Learning features here.

Still unsure? Remember, each family’s journey is unique, so choose the path that best aligns with your student’s needs and your homeschooling adventure!

Jamie Gaddy

Jamie Gaddy, B.S., M.Ed., Ed.D. has been a college education professor for over 17 years. Education has been a part of her life in both the classroom and as a principal. Six children later found her dissatisfied with traditional school and homeschool became the better fit. She is also a pastor’s wife, editor, and entrepreneur who now homeschools four of her six children in Georgia. Jamie loves to share about her homeschool experience to help other homeschoolers find success. Connect with her at [email protected].