Not everyone can take the summer to travel and have lots of hands-on and new experiences, however, with the advantages of technology, your child can still experience new things this summer, meet…

Spring is here!! Hurray!! Maybe you're someone who gets out and enjoys the sunshine, warmer weather, and budding flowers, or you're keeping the allergy medicine and tissue companies in business…

Easter is always a fun time of the year, isn’t it?  Indeed, it’s a day for candy, games, delicious food, and without even half the pressure that comes with Christmas. So, in my book, that’s…

Every child has a natural inclination towards creativity and hands-on activities. As parents, nurturing these interests can be both rewarding and enriching for our kids. One exciting and unique…

Along with the shorter days of winter come amazing opportunities for science exploration and fun. Listed below are activities for all ages (even some for mom or dad!) along with some ideas for…

Is your student interested in current affairs, government, or politics? Then you’re probably wondering how to encourage that interest and challenge them with courses and experiences that will…

These last couple of months in the year are always an exciting time to break out of the regular "school mode" for a bit and incorporate some fun, holiday-themed activities. Of course, your child…

One of the biggest concerns parents and students alike often have when it comes to homeschooling is extracurriculars. Your student isn’t going to be on the local public school sports team or…

Guest Post by Heidi Rosenberg For most parents that have had to homeschool and work from home, it is a challenging and stressful ride. Imagine that the parent recently lost his or her job…

Guest post by Sam Bowman Homeschooling comes with a variety of benefits. It enables students to learn in a comfortable and familiar environment surrounded by people who care about them. It…