5 Tips to Help Parents Afford Homeschooling
Guest post by Heidi Rosenberg Education is the best legacy that parents can pass on to their children. However, the value of this legacy depends on the kind of education parents can afford…
How to Find Funding for Homeschooling
It's news to no one that costs for everything are on the rise these days, causing most of us to reevaluate budgets and cut expenses wherever we can. Unfortunately, some are having to rethink…
5 Tips for Homeschoolers Applying to College
While nearly every college and university today is eager to accept homeschooled students into their institutions, homeschooling families need to understand that their student’s application…
Posters, Deck Chairs, and Sunburns
Guest Post by Gabriel Morse For several years, I sat for long hours every day behind one of those battleship gray desks in a windowless, dull, gray office. The pay was enough to take care…
Celebrating Youth Art Month in Your Homeschool
Youth Art Month is a nationwide celebration in March! Though sometimes overlooked, art is a great addition to any homeschool. You may not consider yourself a particularly artistic person, but…
Unlocking Learning Magic: Homeschool Math Adventures
Everyone understands that math is essential, but most people don’t fathom the degree to which math controls our daily lives. For instance, you get from place A to B thanks to simple math calculations…
Homeschooling: How to Keep it Simple
This post is from our contributing sponsor Time4Learning. As a parent, staying on top of everyone’s schedule and keeping track of each family member’s activities can be a full-time job.…
All About Accreditation and Homeschool
If you homeschool or have been researching homeschooling, you may have seen the word “accreditation” mentioned frequently. So, if you’re wondering what it means, how it works, and why it’s…
Top 5 Benefits of Blended Learning
Sponsored post by Discover! Homeschoolers are already wired for “alternative education.” We know that our school journey will look different than most, with more flexibility and an individual…
New Tips on How to Homeschool
Post sponsored by Bridgeway Academy So, you have decided to homeschool. Unless you have been around the homeschooling block a few times or are surrounded by homeschooling friends, you may…