Faith-Based Homeschooling

You CAN homeschool! Truly, we believe anyone can start homeschooling with a few simple steps. In this article, you'll learn the essentials for beginning to homeschool with a strong foundation. 6…

Are you looking for homeschool advice and tips to get started? Discover How to Start homeschooling today! Find quick answers to your beginning to homeschool questions and more!    …

Faith-Based Resource If you are looking for a copy-work homeschool curriculum that inspires and is based on Scripture, we have a solution. Look no further, our free Writing Truth Copy Work… interviewed Linda Dobson. Here are some frequently asked questions about homeschooling preschool and loving every minute of it! Q: At what age should I start homeschooling preschool? A:…

Guest post by Ellen Ward Gardner Q: What is Christ-Centered Homeschooling? Raise up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it. (Proverbs 22:6 ) A:Children…


Character Training Tips

As a mother of six children, I have found that "good character" is not something that just happens with a child. In truth, it takes intentionality, effort, teaching, effort, role modeling, and…

For many Christian families, the main drive behind their decision to homeschool is to provide their children with a Biblical worldview. Whereas the Bible is completely absent from secular education,…

Obviously, a great thing about homeschooling is the ability to use anything from which to learn. In fact, no matter which curriculum you choose to use, or perhaps you choose not to use a curriculum…

Faith-Based Homeschooling Article Every parent would agree, the blessings of parenting outweigh the daily challenges. However, most parents have secretly wished for a “Dummies Guide to Parenting”…

Burnout is undeniably a growing concern among homeschool parents. The unrelenting prolonged stress of managing so many responsibilities can begin to negatively affect lives. One thing that…