Middle & High School

  We've all been there as parents... slightly exasperated at our child's loss of all manners. Don't sweat it - - and don't be embarrassed!  They could just be shy and feel too awkward…

Special thanks to our guest contributor. Deschooling is the process of adjusting to the non-school environment of everyday life after leaving the education system. This adjustment period happens…

October has been all about science and that theme continues with National Chemistry Week!  When you think of science, does the image of a lab with beakers, bubbling solutions, and goggles come…

What do we know about nuclear science?  What do we still have yet to learn? There are nearly infinite uses of nuclear technology in our society today.  It is immersed in our medical system,…

While not every subject in school will fascinate your child, we all want our children to delight in learning.  Sometimes, though, it can be hard to find enjoyment in subjects that just don’t…

Homeschooling is an exciting journey, a lifestyle change, and a different road entirely for any family.  The decision to take your child’s education into your own hands is intimidating, enlightening,…

If you are homeschooling a special needs child, you may feel like you are in a league of your own.  After all, it’s possible that many of the fun homeschooling ideas and curriculum circling…

Back to Homeschool planning isn't always on everyone's favorite task list. But, it's a tool that really does help us hit our goals! If you're needing inspiration and motivation to get to your…

It’s that time of year when homeschool moms can be found buried under papers, notes, calendars, and textbooks as the school year planning ensues.  I’ve known a few moms to get an absolute…

Planning. Just the thought is enough to raise my stress levels! Procrastination looks better and better the more I think about planning.  For those of you who also procrastinate planning your…