Middle & High School

DECEMBER 18, 2018

Give yourself a Checkup!

Give yourself a Checkup! For many, the holiday season marks the midpoint of the homeschool year. It’s also the perfect time to evaluate your homeschool efforts.  And even though holiday shopping,…

The Holidays are the Perfect Time to Teach Life Skills With all of the festivities, parties, plays, and general hoopla there are plenty of opportunities to teach our kiddos some social skills…

What’s in Your Curriculum Bag this Season? By Jamie Gaddy Some of you may be saying, “Nothing!” Which is what many homeschoolers do during the holiday season, (and don’t beat yourself…

Remember how you felt when you first started homeschooling? You knew the school systems weren’t working for you, yet you decided to take the plunge and homeschool. When you did, you discovered…

How to Learn a Foreign Language at Home The idea of homeschooling has its fair share of grand issues to contend with such as socialization, pedagogy, and personal values but it also faces smaller,…

Just like no two kids are alike, every homeschool family will be different. If you are choosing to homeschool overseas, you'll find some interesting aspects you'll want to address. Whatever…

Homeschooling the Child Who Hates School Homeschooling is not just for gifted students, Olympic athletes or those winning national spelling or geography bees. The beauty of homeschooling is…

The answer to this question is a resounding yes! Not only can you homeschool a teen with special needs, but it's also likely the best thing you can do for your student. Teachers in an institutionalized…

"High School Graduation Party Do's and Don'ts" No one ever wants to be known as "that parent." That's totally uncool and would embarrass your teen no doubt. So where do you…

If you've decided to make the move toward homeschooling your teen, that's fantastic! We want to see you succeed in this goal, so we've put together some quick tips from parents of children…