What’s in Your Curriculum Bag this Season?

What’s in Your Curriculum Bag this Season?

By Jamie Gaddy

Some of you may be saying, “Nothing!” Which is what many homeschoolers do during the holiday season, (and don’t beat yourself up about it.) We homeschool to enjoy our freedom, and if it’s best for your family to take off during the holidays – then you better do it! For those who started in August, December marks the midpoint of the homeschool year. What better time to take off than in between semesters! That’s a full month right between semesters, giving you the chance to catch up or make any changes that need to be made.

We all know there are times when we just can’t afford to take an extended break from schooling. But, did you know that you can easily adjust your homeschooling during the holidays to give your family more flexibility and free time? Sure! Take this time to swap out curriculum, use a temporary curriculum, or just do something plain fun. At our house, we love to do this in the summer as well. We use an online curriculum or lapbook study that helps us keep up with learning, but also gives us a little more free time!

For those of you who feel the need to continue “business as usual” there are great ways to incorporate the holidays into your homeschool. As the “big day” approaches it always seems like the kids lose their concentration a bit more each day. This is when I love to incorporate holiday themes into our homeschooling. For example, instead of using your regular literature study this month read a free holiday-themed book or use our mini unit study on the Polar Express!

The holidays are the perfect time to mix it up a bit, add some fresh life, and get the kids excited! We hope you are enjoying every minute of this holiday season!

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