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Homeschooling Articles

MARCH 20, 2023
Secular Curriculum Awards

What is the best secular homeschool curriculum? Find out what homeschoolers like you voted as the Best Secular Homeschool Curriculum for 2023!  Click Below to Jump to Your Subject: …

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MARCH 20, 2023
Age of Exploration For Kids

Also known as the Age of Discovery, the Age of Exploration is the period of time, mostly from the 1400s to the 1600s, when the nations of Europe explored the world. In fact, Portuguese explorer,…

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MARCH 17, 2023
Reading Level Assessment Tools

Of course, in order to effectively teach your children reading, you need to know where to start.  To start, it helps if you can identify their reading levels. This is so that you can challenge…

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MARCH 16, 2023
Math Grade Level Placement Tools

Math! A dreaded subject. Indeed, both parents and teachers sometimes have "math anxiety" when teaching the subject. Some may be due to uncertainty about where a student performs in math. After…

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MARCH 16, 2023
Tips To Make Distance Learning Successful For Your Child

Distance education offers a smorgasbord of educational opportunities and the utmost flexibility. As a result, the advantages of distance learning are as varied and as individualized as the students…

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MARCH 15, 2023
Why You Need An Out-Of-State Library Card

It is no secret that libraries are homeschoolers' best friends. Homeschool families take on a multitude of challenges and expenses to meet the needs of their children. In fact, for many families,…

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MARCH 6, 2023
5 Important Facts About Dyslexia

Do you have a child recently diagnosed with dyslexia? Take Heart! Here are 5 Facts you need to know! There is No Single Type of Dyslexia Dyslexia covers a wide range of difficulties.…

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FEBRUARY 6, 2023
Women in History Homeschool Unit Study

Throughout history, there have been some remarkable women who have made incredible contributions to society. Indeed, some are more widely known than others, but all deserve recognition. As we…

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JANUARY 20, 2023
New Year Traditions Around the World Unit Study

Every nation, culture, and family has their own traditions regarding the holidays, and the ringing in of a new year is no different. In this unit study, we will look into some of the different…

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JANUARY 15, 2023
Special Education Toolbox

As the parent of a child with special needs, we know you're always on the lookout for helpful information and resources. Homeschooling can seem daunting as you wonder if you can best provide…

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