Something Stinks! Get Rid of that Curriculum Fail!

October 24, 2018
Written by:
Jamie Gaddy

Sometimes you just make a bad judgment call… sometimes you’ve just added too much to your plate and it shatters! It happens and if we all get honest we can agree – it has happened to us! We’ve chosen homeschool curriculum that really was awful for our family. Whatever the case, if it “stinks” (everyone hates it) you need to honor that! Making a change is better than hanging on to a rotten fish. I’ve always used a little chart to help me organize my thoughts and make my homeschooling path clear. Watch the video and work through this exercise with me! You’ll be able to see clearly how your “what” (homeschool curriculum) is connected to your why and your how.

Make a chart divided into your:

WHY? Answer this question with your why you homeschool. Take some time and give it some deep thought.

HOW? You want your how to line up with your Why?

WHAT? You see resources and determine if they will support your why!


  • Make your Why work by getting family consensus on the Why!
  • Adjust your How and What so they align with the Why
  • Do your what’s pass the joy test?
  • Surround yourself with what brings joy!

Jamie Gaddy

Jamie Gaddy, B.S., M.Ed., Ed.D. has been a college education professor for over 17 years. Education has been a part of her life in both the classroom and as a principal. Six children later found her dissatisfied with traditional school and homeschool became the better fit. She is also a pastor’s wife, editor, and entrepreneur who now homeschools four of her six children in Georgia. Jamie loves to share about her homeschool experience to help other homeschoolers find success. Connect with her at [email protected].