Middle & High School Printables
Find Worksheets for Middle School & High School Homeschoolers
You can always use a helping hand when homeschooling middle school and high school! In our homeschool printables, you’ll find useful worksheets, unit studies, record-keeping printables, and more!
General Homeschool Printables Middle and High School Printables
General Homeschooling Printables
Homeschooling and Loving It! Workbook – You’ll want to grab this amazing free homeschool resource that is perfect for preschool homeschoolers. This is step 1 for any homeschooling family. The workbook takes you through the common homeschool situations and helps homeschool parents know what to expect.
Sanity Saver Homeschool Planner – Homeschool organization like never before and perfect for the homeschool mom with everything to do! Includes both a planner, meal planner and homeschool record-keeping pages! Find the full-color printed version available on Amazon.
Monthly Calendars -Print the monthly homeschool calendar for all members of the family or one to post in a community area. We love having a printable homeschool calendar to help us plan and stay organized!
Year-Long Homeschool Journaling Printable Pack (faith-based) – This full-year monthly-themed journaling pack will inspire you and your kiddos to write daily. It can be printed two on a page to save paper. Each month has a theme corresponding to the calendar and the copy workbook below.
Student Homeschool Planners – Perfect for teaching your students to be independent learners! Print and get organized today!
Character Training Lessons (faith-based) – Free character training series to use as part of your homeschool curriculum. Lessons focus on specific character traits and have accompanying worksheets.
Homeschool Portfolio Organization Pack – Use this printable portfolio organizer to help you create an amazing homeschool portfolio with your kids! The pack contains introduction pages for your kids to fill out, title pages for each subject, and an end-of-the-year wrap-up.
High School Specific Printables – Visit our How to Homeschool High School section to find a wealth of resources just for homeschooling high school. We walk you through the basics in our free book and then provide guides to manage transcripts, record keeping, and even dual enrollment.
Year-Long Copy Work eBook (faith-based) – This full-year copy work curriculum based on scripture verses is perfect for a daily morning starter as well as a journal-writing topic. You’ll find beautifully designed pages that coordinate with our other free homeschool printables.
Getting Into Your First-Year College – Great how-to printable with suggestions!
The Custom Home Learning Plan – This plan will help you organize your homeschool year.
The Easy 3-Step Scheduler – Not sure where to start with homeschool scheduling, this schedule how-to walks you through it all the way.
Homeschooling FAQ’s – handy guide for answers to common homeschooling questions
End-of-the-Year Checklist – Not sure what needs to be gathered by the end of the homeschool year? Homeschool.com shares the checklist all homeschooling parents need as the end of the school year nears!
Learning Styles Quiz – Not sure about how your child learns best? Take this quick quiz to determine their preferred methods of learning.
Free Printables for Homeschooling Middle School and High School
Monthly Themed Homeschool Printables
History and Geography Homeschool Printables
- StateHistory.Net (faith-based) offers a complete state history course: State History from a Christian Perspective for Grades 3-12. In addition, they offer a history-based study of all 50 states in order of statehood – Fifty States Under God for Grades 3-12 – and a geography-based study of all 50 states in order of statehood – Geography of the Fifty States for Grades 3-12. Samples are included below.
- State History from a Christian Perspective (faith-based)
- Fifty States Under God (faith-based)
- Geography of the Fifty States (faith-based)
- Independence Day Printables
- Martin Luther King Jr. Mini-Unit Study and Printables
- Red Tails 2012 Movie Discussion Guide
Homeschool Language Arts Printables
- Storytelling/World Building Printables
- The Boomerang: And Then There Were None (faith-based): Literature-based language arts
- Narnia Educational Guide: The activities within this Educator’s Guide are designed for students in grades 5-8 and comply with national standards in key content areas.
- Progeny Press Study Christian guides for literature (faith-based): Progeny Press is a faith-based company with many literature study guides available for purchase. View samples from a few of their more popular study guides below.
- Scarlet Letter (faith-based)
- The Swiss Family Robinson
- The Screwtape Letters (faith-based)
- To Kill a Mockingbird
- The Witch Blackbird Pond (faith-based)
- We Bought a Zoo-Film Companion (faith-based)
Math Homeschool Printables
- Key Curriculum workbooks: Effective, high-quality, affordable mathematics workbooks – Sample printables below
- Math Tutor DVD – For more information about Math Tutor DVD, please click here.
- Fractions Thru Algebra 1 (Real Numbers & Their Graphs)
Science Worksheets for Homeschooling Middle School and High School
- Chemistry Homeschool Unit Study and Printables
- Nuclear Science Unit Study and Printables
- Earth Science Week Unit Study and Printables
- The Kingdom of Oceana is a young-adult novel set in a fantasy world of ancient Hawaii and Polynesia. Proceeds from book sales benefit The Oceanic Society, a leading non-profit conservation group.
- Science Experiments for Middle School
Art and Music Elementary Worksheets
Laurel Springs School: View some of the course descriptions and outlines for their textbooks in the printable samples below:
Pioneer Drama Service: A printable pamphlet for a homeschool drama program
Visit Homeschool.com Marketplace for discounted additions to your middle and high school homeschool!